
New Product Brochure

When you know better, you do better Download our latest Diphoterine® Solution Brochure to find our more about how you can protect yourself and your employees from chemical splashes to the skin and eyes. Chemical splashes can leave horrific irreversible damage to skin and eyes if not treated correctly within the first few seconds of…

Petkim chooses Diphoterine

Petrochemical Industry recommends Diphoterine®

Petkim chooses Diphoterine® When it comes to the petrochemical industry, we can identify five major risk stages, namely: Production, Inspection, Storage, Maintenance and Supporting Operations. The petrochemical industry is responsible for the production and trade of petrochemicals and works hand-in-hand with the petroleum industry. Another big area within the petrochemical industry is the polymer or…

National Health Services in England recommend Diphoterine® Solution

A First-Aid guide to burns The NHS (National Health Service Network), the London and South-East of England Burn Network has recently released a “Burns First Aid Guide” in April 2018. In the chemical injury section, the document recommends “to commence urgent irrigation with […] an amphoteric solution (Diphoterine®)[…]”. This recommendation has been developed in association…

New Video: Hypertonic Eyewash Solution

Animated Short: Diphoterine® explained in 3 minutes!

Eliminate Chemical Injuries using Diphoterine® View our new short on how Diphoterine® can make your workplace safer for all! This revolutionary first-aid solution for chemical splashes to the skin and eyes has been used extensively in Europe for over 20 years and has now made its way onto the African continent, making our factories, mines…

Expo: Prismia showcasing Diphoterine

Expo: Showcasing Diphoterine® alongside Veolia

Showcasing along our clients Recently ArcelorMittal Vanderbijlpark hosted their annual Health & Safety Day on 26 April 2018. Showcasing some of their safety initiatives, Veolia had invited Prisma to display our Prevor product range: Diphoterine®, Hexafluorine® Solution and Trivorex® Neutralizing Absorbent. The day was well attended by hundreds of employees and contractors. Thank you to…

Diphoterine winning awards

Award Winning Presentation

Scooping up awards at the British Burns Association The British Burns Association hosts an annual congress, attended by our British counterparts: Diphex. This year highlighted Chemical Injuries due to the current chemical attacks Britain is facing. Joseph Verbelen, coordinator nurse of the burns center in Gand, Belgium, compiled a retrospective study comparing the use of…

New publication from Pr. Jeffrey and Dr. Kulkarni

We love it when doctors write articles on their experiences with our solutions! Here is a recent paper written by Dr. Kulkarni and Pr. Jeffery, comparing the cases of chemical injury which had been treated with Diphoterine® Solution and those which had not. There were 65 chemical skin injuries during the time of the study;…

Product Focus: LeVert

Convenient Decontamination In the event of a chemical leak of a pipe, the surrounding equipment or tools are most likely to be contaminated and in some cases may pose a chemical injury hazard to personnel. Furthermore, the surface or material contaminated with the chemical can corrode rapidly. To avoid chemical lesions and limit material degradation…

Upcoming Events

Conferences Prism Inter Africa will be hosting two conferences in May 2018 on the Management & Prevention of Chemical Injuries. We are delighted to announce that Military Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven Jeffery (BSC, MB CHB, FRCS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (PLAST)) will be joining us to discuss and present cases and results he obtained using an advanced…

New Product: Hexafluorine® Stainless Steel Station

Ensuring a safe working environment in Clean Rooms Hydrofluoric acid risk can be encountered all over – even in cleans rooms. It is for this reason, that Prevor have developed a stainless steel station to house the Hexafluorine® Solution in these sensitive environments. Similarly to the Diphoterine® Stainless Steel Station, the station is made of…