We love it when doctors write articles on their experiences with our solutions!
Here is a recent paper written by Dr. Kulkarni and Pr. Jeffery, comparing the cases of chemical injury which had been treated with Diphoterine® Solution and those which had not. There were 65 chemical skin injuries during the time of the study; 56 were treated with water only and 9 cases had also applied Diphoterine®.
Dr. Parag Kulkarni is a Surgeon & Burns Care in Ashirwad Clinic located near the biggest industrial complex in India in Tarapur. Together with Pr. Steven Jeffrey, Surgeon in Birmingham (UK), they wrote a publication on the use of Diphoterine® solution at the hospital.
In conclusion, the use of Diphoterine® Solution in treating chemical burns results in less pain, less time off work loss and less treatment costs.
The publication follows the posters from Dr. Kulkarni which were presented during several congresses which you can find here.
To read the full publication, follow the below link: