What our Customers have to say
It is always interesting and informative to hear other peoples’ experiences and opinions, especially when it comes to a new product.
Below please find a collection of a few testimonials grouped by product. Should you wish to receive more information or want testimonials more specific to your industry or market, get in touch with us at enquiries@prismia.co.za.
“In May 2013 an operator received a splash of 50% Sodium Hydroxide to the side of his face from a flexible filling hose. Having DIPHOTERINE® at the filling location he was quickly treated with the spray and did not suffer any major effects. Following a precautionary visit to the company doctor he was deemed fit to return to work immediately. Micro-Bio considers DIPHOTERINE® to be an excellent solution for the treatment of chemicals on the skin/eyes and has recommended its use to our many customers.”
“We have a history within our Engineering facility of several incidents of eye contamination with Phosphate Ester based aircraft hydraulic fluid and have found that saline eye wash is relatively ineffective in combating the very painful effects associated with this. We have subsequently issued DIPHOTERINE® to our trained First Aiders and they have used DIPHOTERINE® Solution on multiple occasions to combat and neutralise the effects of this type of eye contamination and have found it very successful.”
“An employee was carrying out insulation work. As he was removing the foam from a valve, he suddenly felt increasing heat on his right hand. When he realized this, his PPE glove was already damaged. Not knowing what chemical had caused to dissolve his glove, he immediately came to the medical department. The estimated time of arriving was 1-2 minutes given the proximity of the place of the accident. The origin of the accident was a leak of a derivative of phenol from valves that he was handling. At the time of the medical examination it was found that he had first degree burns on the second and third finger of right hand and the glove was completely destroyed by chemical contact. A direct washing with 200ml of the DIPHOTERINE® Solution was performed immediately using the entire contents, until a symptomatic improvement was reached. An evaluation done afterwards by Dr Juan Carlos Rueda Garrido proved satisfactory with no signs of lesions from the burns after the applied treatment.”
Hexafluorine® Solution
“A bottle of a mixture of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and nitric acid (HNO3) was spilled on the floor of a laboratory in INSA Rennes (about 1 liter). The operator was splashed with several centiliters of the mixture on the legs (trousers and shoes). Immediately, two other people helped the victim undress and wash with two HEXAFLUORINE® solution eyewashes and a HEXAFLUORINE® solution autonomous portable shower. Then, they applied calcium gluconate gel on both feet and legs. Before alerting the health department and head of HSE. The antipoison center evaluated the management of the accident, was satisfied and checked on the victim’s health the next day. After management of the exposed person, the laboratory room was neutralized using the neutralizing absorbent TRIVOREX®, which happened to be very efficient.”
“During the decanting of bathes, a worker received a splash of hydrofluoric acid in the eye. He was immediately washed with the HEXAFLUORINE® solution. The ophthalmological check-up showed no sequelae. The worker got back to work the day after.”
“Two workers were splashed with hydrofluoric acid. They were rinsed immediately with HEXAFLUORINE® Solution and sent for medical examination where the workers were deemed fit for work and no work days were lost.”
“Having tried many other neutralizing agents I have found TRIVOREX® superior in performance. It took me some time, but I have used up all the product which was given as a trial sample. I love the TRIVOEX® product and use it exclusively now for any corrosive type spill. Some examples of our use of your product: 25 gallon (96 l) battery acid spill on pavement, 40 gallon (150l) Sodium Hydroxide spill inside a tractor trailer, as well as many small lab type spills of various corrosive materials. I will need 12 buckets.”
“TRIVOREX® was successfully used on a 3 liter spill of battery acid (sulphuric acid) and we are satisfied by the result of its use. TRIVOREX® must be highly recommended. Look at the following pictures.”
“As a result of several accidents caused by slips related to the presence of polymer on our floors, the management of the Solenis group has imposed the presence of absorbent POLYCAPTOR® on the Solenis polymer units which are also maintained by Solenis.”