Scientific Publications

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Below you will find the latest research papers, clinic trials and further information on DIPHOTERINE® Solution and HEXAFLUORINE® Solution.

Poster: “Chemical Injury: a four-year experience with an advanced approach” J. Verbelen, nurse at Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent (Belgium) et al.

This poster was presented at EBA 2017 by J.Verbelen. He describes the results obtained with DIPHOTERINE® and HEXAFLUORINE® solutions on 46 patients, compared to the results found with water decontamination on 66 patients. “Statistics revealed significantly less surgery and significantly shorter hospital stay”. He finally explains this adapted approach could result in a reduction of costs.

Publication: “Use of an Amphoteric Solution in Eye, Skin and Oral Chemical Exposures: Retrospective Multicenter Clinical Case Series” by Dr. Fortin et al., 2017.

This study gathers 34 cases of contact with different chemicals, received at different hospitals in France and Belgium. The authors measured the influence of the use of DIPHOTERINE® solution on the symptoms and pain. Positive results have been observed on pain and symptoms of eye, skin and mouth chemical injuries after application of DIPHOTERINE® solution.

 NBM 2016 – Kulkarni

This is a poster presented by the Dr. Parag Kulkarni at the Nordic Burn Meeting congress in 2016. It compares water and DIPHOTERINE® on 4 factors (workloss, costs of hospitalization, visual acuity, pain factor). Results are significantly improved using DIPHOTERINE® solution rather than water.

 The clinical efficacy of Diphoterine (2016):

This paper was published by people from the Birmingham hospital and deals with a systematic review about DIPHOTERINE® decontamination versus water and saline.

Diphoterine® systematic review:

This publications comes from the poison center of Denver which is very well known worldwide stating that DIPHOTERINE® is a safe product and appears to be highly effective in improving healing time, healing sequelae, and pain management of chemical burns.

Pr. Jeffery & Dr Kulkarni – treatment of chemical injuries

Dr. Parag Kulkarni is a Surgeon & Burns Care in Ashirwad Clinic located near the biggest industrial complex in India in Tarapur. Together with Pr. Steven Jeffrey, Surgeon in Birmingham (UK), they wrote a publication on the use of DIPHOTERINE® solution at the hospital. They compare the cases of chemical injury which had been treated with DIPHOTERINE®  solution with those which had not.

Chemical Decontamination

Emergency First-Aid

Management of Chemical Splashes

Sodium Hydroxide

Management of Chemical Splashes

Sulphuric Acid

Management of Chemical Splashes

Hydrofluoric Acid