Hydrofluoric Acid burn prevention

Hydrofluoric acid is one of the most hazardous chemicals to human health because of its aggressive characteristics. It is a double action chemical; both corrosive and toxic: A corrosive property on the surface due to the free hydrogen ions and a toxic property due to the penetration of the fluoride ions. It is one of the strongest inorganic acids and is most commonly used in many industrial and domestic settings. Hydrofluoric Acid was first used for glass etching due to its corrosive properties, but currently is also widely used in metal cleaning, the semiconductor industry, manufacturing fertilizer, pesticides, some plastics, and at home in cleaning agents and rust removers. HF is considered a contact-poison with the potential for deep, initially painless burns followed by tissue death.

As the aggressive chemical penetrates deeply before dissociation, a delay of injury, pain and symptoms occur. It is often found that burns to the fingers and nail beds leave the overlying nail intact. It is for this reason that HF burns are a unique clinical entity, as little surface abnormality is shown following a splash, as well as the ability of this solution to cause significant systemic toxicity. The two mechanisms responsible for this extensive damage are the corrosive burn from the H+ ions (acid) and the toxicity of the F- ions (fluoride) penetrating the tissue. The fluoride ions form insoluble salts with calcium and magnesium as they penetrate into the tissue. Once the body’s stores of calcium and magnesium have been depleted, systemic toxicity occurs. The majority of deaths resulting from an exposure to HF are often caused by cardiac arrhythmias.

Initial 70% HF lesion

70% HF lesion after excision, day +4

70% HF lesion after graft, one year after

70% HF lesion after graft, one year after

HEXAFLUORINE® Solution is an emergency washing solution for both ocular and cutaneous splashes of Hydrofluoric Acid. It is not a treatment for HF burns but a first-aid medical device designed for their prevention. It is hypertonic, which enables it to stop the penetration of both the H+ and F- ions and creates a reverse flow which pulls the chemical to the surface of the tissue. Furthermore, HEXAFLUORINE® Solution decontaminates both the corrosive hydrogen ions and the toxic fluoride ions, so preventing the aggressive substance penetrating the tissue, stopping the corrosive acid action and chelating the toxic fluoride ions.
Using HEXAFLUORINE® Solution within the first minute following an HF splash, helps to remove the chemical before it causes an injury. In case of delayed rinsing, the solution allows to limit the development of injury and facilitates the secondary treatment such as calcium gluconate application which acts on the toxic fluoride ions. This minimizes the risk of sever sequelae.
HEXAFLUORINE® Solution has shown an immediate reduction of pain with no secondary effects. Overall, this resulted in an average work-time-loss reduction. Not only is HEXAFLUORINE® the ideal solution for Hydrofluoric Acid splashes, but also for all other acids.


Eyewash for one eye to be used within 60sec of contact


Spray for large skin area


Standard Wall-mounted Station containing eyewash and Calcium Gluconate Gel


Wall-mounted station combined with Trivorex® Neutralizing Absorbent


Wall-mounted station specifically designed for clean rooms


Wall-mounted station containing eyewash and full body spray unit