HEXAFLUORINE®: Scientific Publications


Below you will find a comprehensive list of research papers, clinical trials and further information on and HEXAFLUORINE® Solution.

  1. HEXAFLUORINE® Solution: Hydrofluoric Acid Eye and Skin Splashes: L. Mathieu, J. Nehles, J. Blomet and A.H. Hal lnjury research the efficacy of HEXAFLUORINE® Solution on skin and eye splashes by Hydrofluoric Acid. Their complete findings can be found here.
  2. Analysis of hydrofluoric acid penetration and decontamination of the eye by means of time-resolved optical coherence tomography: So far the study of chemical burns has lacked techniques to define penetration kinetics and the effects of decontamination within biological structures. This study aims to demonstrate that high-resolution optical coherence tomography (HR-OCT) can close this gap.